Hey everyone,

Hope you’re doing good!

Recently, a client approached me with an urgent issue: they needed to load 456 files into an Oracle Database table to resolve an integration problem. These files were compressed in ZIP format and contained data in fixed-position records with 201 columns. The task was to dynamically unzip each file and load the data into a single table, appending the records and including the name of each file in the table for traceability.

On this blog post I’ll show how I accomplished this using a combination of Shell Script and SQL*Loader.

The client’s requirement was clear:

  • Unzip each file;
  • Load the data from each file into the same database table;
  • Append the records when loading;
  • Include an additional column in the table to store the name of each file being processed;
  • Given the number of files and the volume of data, we needed an efficient and automated solution.

I created a shell script to handle the unzipping and loading process. The script dynamically updates the SQL*Loader control file to include the name of each file during the load process.

Here’s a breakdown of the solution:

Shell Script for Automation

  • Unzips each file;
  • Loops through the unzipped data files;
  • Dynamically updates the control file;
  • Loads the data using SQL*Loader;
  • Moves processed files to an archive directory.

SQL*Loader Control File

  • Maps all 201 columns;
  • Includes an additional column for the file name.

Let’s create our folder structure in our Oracle DB Server, let’s imagine we have a NFS mountpoint /oracle_nfs.

With the user owner of DB on Operating System:

cd /oracle_nfs

mkdir APP_Loader

cd APP_Loader

Now, let’s create our SQL*Loader Control File:

INFILE 'dummy.dat'
BADFILE 'dummy.bad'
DISCARDFILE 'dummy.dsc'
WHEN (COL01 != '                    ')  
    COL01               POSITION(1:20)   CHAR "RTRIM(:COL01)",
    COL02               POSITION(21:28)  CHAR,
    COL03               POSITION(29:32)  CHAR,
    COL04               POSITION(33:33)  CHAR,
    COL05               POSITION(34:58)  CHAR,
    COL06               POSITION(59:73)  CHAR,
    COL07               POSITION(74:76)  CHAR,
    COL08               POSITION(77:80)  CHAR,
    COL09               POSITION(81:90)  CHAR,
    COL10               POSITION(91:92)  CHAR,
    COL11               POSITION(93:94)  CHAR,
    COL12               POSITION(95:95)  CHAR,
    COL13               POSITION(96:96)  CHAR,
    COL14               POSITION(97:97)  CHAR,
    COL15               POSITION(98:99)  CHAR,
    COL16               POSITION(100:109) CHAR,
    COL17               POSITION(110:139) CHAR,
    COL18               POSITION(140:142) CHAR,
    COL19               POSITION(143:144) CHAR,
    COL20               POSITION(145:147) CHAR,
    COL21               POSITION(148:148) CHAR,
    COL22               POSITION(149:173) CHAR,
    COL23               POSITION(174:188) CHAR,
    COL24               POSITION(189:191) CHAR,
    COL25               POSITION(192:192) CHAR,
    COL26               POSITION(193:201) CHAR,
    COL27               CONSTANT 'DUMMY.DAT'

Control File Parameters Explanation:

  • DIRECT=true: This parameter instructs SQL*Loader to use direct path loading, which can significantly increase the speed of the load by bypassing some of the regular processing (such as logging and rollback);
  • SKIP=1: This parameter tells SQL*Loader to skip the first record in the input data file. This is often used when the first line of the file contains headers or metadata that should not be loaded into the table. This is our case here.
  • INFILE ‘dummy.dat’: Specifies the name of the input data file to be loaded. This will be replaced dynamically in our script;
  • BADFILE ‘dummy.bad’: Specifies the name of the file where records that cause errors during loading will be written. This will be replaced dynamically in our script;
  • DISCARDFILE ‘dummy.dsc’: Specifies the name of the file where records that do not meet any WHEN clause conditions are written. This will be replaced dynamically in our script;
  • APPEND INTO TABLE OWNER.TABLE_TO_BE_LOADED: Specifies the table into which data will be loaded. The APPEND option tells SQL*Loader to add the new data to the existing data in the table (as opposed to INSERT which would require the table to be empty);
  • WHEN (COL01 != ‘ ‘): This condition specifies that only records where COL01 is not equal to 20 blank spaces will be loaded. This can be used to filter out unwanted records;
  • TRAILING NULLCOLS: This directive allows SQL*Loader to treat any missing trailing columns in the input data file as nulls. This can help avoid errors if some records do not contain values for all columns.
  • After those definitions, we have the COLUMNS definitions, which I will not explain because they are self-explained :-), but I will talk about the last column:
    • CONSTANT ‘DUMMY.DAT’: Instead of reading from the input file, this specifies that the column will always be filled with the constant value ‘DUMMY.DAT’. In our script, this is dynamically replaced with the actual file name being processed.

So, in summary, our SQL*Loader controlfile structure allow us to:

  • Load data directly into the table, skipping the first record;
  • Filter records based on a condition;
  • Treat trailing null columns properly;
  • Apply specific transformations to each field;
  • Append data to an existing table without removing the old data;
  • Capture the file name in a dedicated column for traceability.

Now, let’s create our Shell Script to load the files. Our script will be called APP_Loader.sh:

# Script Name : Data_Loader.sh
# Author      : Marcus Vinicius Miguel Pedro
# Date        : 2024-06-07
# Version     : 1.0
# Description : This script processes ZIP files containing integration data files.
#               It unzips each ZIP file, loads the data from each .APP file 
#               into the Oracle database using SQL*Loader, and then moves the
#               processed files to an archive directory.
# Usage       : ./APP_Loader.sh
# Parameters  :
#               None
# Prerequisites:
#               - Update the script with the credentials of a user who has
#                 permissions to insert data into the target table.
#               - Adjust directory paths if necessary.
# Notes       :
#               - The script assumes the .APP files are named appropriately.
#               - Ensure there is sufficient disk space in the directories.


for zip_file in "$ZIP_DIR"/*.ZIP; do
    unzip -o "$zip_file" -d "$UNZIP_DIR"
    for data_file in "$UNZIP_DIR"/*.APP; do
        filename=$(basename "$data_file" .APP)
        sed "s/CONSTANT 'DUMMY.DAT'/CONSTANT '$filename.APP'/" APP.ctl > temp_APP.ctl
        sqlldr userid=myuser/mypassword control=temp_APP.ctl bad="$filename.bad" log="$filename.log" data="$data_file"
    rm -f "$data_file"
    mv "$zip_file" "$LOADED_DIR"
    mv *.log "$LOADED_DIR"
    mv *.bad "$LOADED_DIR"

Let’s break down our script:

  • ZIP_DIR: This variable holds the directory path where the ZIP files are stored;
  • UNZIP_DIR: This variable holds the directory path where the ZIP files will be unzipped. In this case, it is the same as the ZIP_DIR;
  • LOADED_DIR: This variable holds the directory path where processed files (both ZIP files and the corresponding log and bad files) will be moved after processing;
  • Then we have two loops:
    • The main one iterates basically unzipping the ZIP files, calling the inner loop and then moving the ZIP files, log files and bad files to LOADED_DIR;
    • The inner loop is iterates o APP (Data) files to be loaded, extracting the base name of the datafile by stripping off the .APP extension, storing it in the filename variable; then will replace the ‘DUMMY.DAT’ to the datafile being processed; as the last step will run SQL*Loader.

Benefits using this approach:

  • Automation: The entire process is automated, reducing manual intervention and the risk of errors;
  • Efficiency: Direct path loading with SQL*Loader significantly speeds up the data loading process;
  • Scalability: The script can handle any number of files, making it easy to scale for large datasets;
  • Traceability: Including the file name in the table ensures that each record can be traced back to its source file;
  • Performance: Direct path loading optimizes performance by bypassing certain processing steps like logging and rollback.

Let’s now show an example of the script working. With user which is owner of DB on Operating System:


A small part of output is exhibited below:

Archive:  /oracle_nfs/APP_Loader/0015_0006_20240406060029_APP20240406-063847-568.ZIP
  inflating: /oracle_nfs/APP_Loader/0015_0006_20240406060029.APP  

SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Fri Jun 7 21:19:32 2024

Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Path used:      Direct

Load completed - logical record count 7133.

  7133 Rows successfully loaded.

Check the log file:
for more information about the load.
Archive:  /oracle_nfs/APP_Loader/0015_0006_20240408060025_APP20240408-061329-963.ZIP
  inflating: /oracle_nfs/APP_Loader/0015_0006_20240408060025.APP  

SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Fri Jun 7 21:19:34 2024

Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Path used:      Direct

Load completed - logical record count 12198.

  12198 Rows successfully loaded.

Check the log file:

Perfect! The script rans really fast. We can now do some checks. Let’s go to the directory where the files were moved after being processed:

cd /oracle_nfs/APP_Loader/APP_Loaded

Now, let’s check if we have any errors:

cat *.log | grep ‘loaded’ | grep -v ‘Total|Table|success’ | sort | uniq

0 Rows not loaded because all fields were null.
0 Rows not loaded because all WHEN clauses were failed.
0 Rows not loaded due to data errors.

As we can see above, we did not face any errors. Which is great!

Now, let’s check the loaded records:

cat *.log | grep ‘loaded’ | grep -v ‘Total|Table’ | grep success | awk ‘{sum += $1} END {print sum}’


According with the output above, we had ~2.6M records loaded to the table. Let’s now check the table:

select count(*) from OWNER.TABLE_TO_BE_LOADED;


Perfect, the count on table match with the info on log!

By combining Shell and SQL*Loader we can create a robust and simple solution to efficiently load hundreds of files (or maybe thousands if you need it) into Oracle Database. This approach not only meets the client’s requirements but also provides a scalable and traceable method for handling large data loads. Whether you’re dealing with a few files or thousands, this script can streamline your data integration process and improve overall performance.

Hope it helps!

